Our PDF to iXBRL conversion service

Why should I use you to convert my financial accounts to iXBRL?

A difficult process but we are experts

Transforming accounts into filing-ready iXBRL format can be not only a difficult proposition, but also a time-consuming effort, prone to errors which potentially delays the filing deadline for companies.

However we are, experts, so let us take care of the conversion of your accounts to iXBRL.

A uniquely efficient approach

Scenario 1 – accounts software workflow

To fulfil this regulatory requirement, accounts software vendors have incorporated iXBRL / XBRL functionality into their software:

  • Accounts production software – accounting software vendors have incorporated the capability for accounts information to be automatically output in iXBRL / XBRL format

This satisfies the requirement of companies who exclusively use accounts software for the production of their annual accounts.

Scenario 2 – alternative workflow to produce accounts

However, companies who do not exclusively use their accounts software for the production of their annual accounts require a different workflow.

Many small, medium and large sized companies, in the final stages, manually produce their company accounts using Microsoft Word, Excel or similar applications, and then output as PDF.

In other words, organisations who for example:

  • Utilise accounts production for their accounts data, but then output information into other packages (e.g. Word) for editing, and then produce final annual accounts in PDF format - a workflow typical of larger sized companies
  • Do not have the requisite accounts production software
  • Output as PDF to prevent any inadvertent or unauthorized alteration of company accounts being made outside the company

.... still need then to convert their annual accounts into  iXBRL or XBRL.

As a result there is a requirement to process such PDFs and convert them directly into iXBRL or XBRL. 

This requirement is fulfilled by our managed conversion service:

  • Utilizing our own unique pdf2xbrl software – for further information on the software itself, go to our pdf2xbrl Conversion Software web site section
  • Combined with a manual review of the iXBRL/XBRL output to ensure 100% accuracy of final accounts before filing

Our unique solution

pdf2xbrl is the only direct PDF to iXBRL/XBRL conversion software on the market. This not only eliminates the need for exposing Word and Excel versions of final accounts outside the company; but also guarantees a much faster and more accurate iXBRL / XBRL output.

File formats and taxonomies

Accounts formats converted to iXBRL

File formats of accounts and annual financial reports that we process include:

  • PDF to iXBRL
  • Excel to iXBRL
  • Word to iXBRL
  • HTML to iXBRL
  • Adobe InDesign to iXBRL
  • Other formats to iXBRL - simply save as PDF or provide us with the source file, and we will convert to PDF for you - our system works on the basis of interpreting layout, so any layout orientated formats can normally be accommodated

Accounts formats converted to XBRL

File formats of accounts and annual financial reports that we process include:

  • PDF to XBRL
  • Excel to XBRL
  • Word to XBRL
  • HTML to XBRL
  • Adobe InDesign to XBRL
  • Other formats to XBRL – simply save as PDF or provide us with the source file, and we will convert to PDF for you – our system works on the basis of interpreting layout, so any layout orientated formats can normally be accommodated

Taxonomies Supported

Ireland taxonomies

Taxonomies supported include:

  • FRS 101 Irish Extension
  • FRS 102 Irish Extension
  • EU IFRS Irish Extension
  • FRS 101 + DPL
  • FRS 102 + DPL
  • IFRS
  • ESEF – for ESMA filing

Other jurisdiction taxonomies

Taxonomies supported include:

  • ESEF – for ESMA filing
  • FRS 101
  • FRS 102
  • FRS 102 – Section 1A Small Entities
  • FRS 105
  • IFRS
  • EU adopted IFRS
  • Singapore ACRA
  • Indian GAAP MCA
  • Australian IFRS
  • etc.  ....

Please enquire for taxonomies not listed here.

The deliverables

What the service consists of

Our conversion service consists of the following deliverables:

  • Valid iXBRL or XBRL output - Financial accounts submitted by the customer are processed by us and the output is returned as a valid iXBRL or XBRL file:
    • One file for each set of accounts/entity - in the case of iXBRL the output can be visualised in a browser
    • One file for each computation (if ordered) - in the case of iXBRL the output can be visualised in a browser 
  • Tagging Report - an easy-to-read Tagging Report in PDF format - see below for details
  • Review of Results - before delivery, qualified accountants manually check the iXBRL/XBRL output to ensure accuracy of the output – our reviewers are experienced in the taxonomies, and are fully trained on the tagging requirements of HMRC and the Revenue: 
    • The manual review eliminates errors due to taxonomy anomalies in a specific customer’s financial reporting
    • With the review stage being integrated with the software process, we ensure seamless delivery to the customer
  • Validation of Output - output is fully validated to ensure that it is completely ready for filing:
    • Ireland – for Ireland validation is against the Revenue checking service to ensure that it is fully Revenue compliant

Tagging Report

An easy-to-read Tagging Report in PDF format is provided detailing the tags applied to your accounts:

  • This report enables you to review tagging decisions made and provides a written record
  • If any changes are required post delivery, new output is then supplied by us as part of the service
  • The report is a reference document for your benefit only, and it is not required by HMRC in the UK or by the Revenue in Ireland

What if changes are required?

  • Following completion, your customer service representative remains available to discuss (by email, phone or chat) any aspect of the conversion job that has been undertaken for you
  • If any changes are required, these can normally be made by us within one working day (new output is then supplied to you)

Tracking your job

  • To monitor the progress of your job, it is allocated a unique ticket number
  • We appoint a named customer support representative who liaises with you when questions arise from the conversion of your accounts

To learn more

To learn more about how our conversion service can be utilised for the conversion of financial accounts from PDF, Excel, Word, HTML or other file formats into iXBRL or XBRL: